Getting Ready for a New Fishing Season


Taking a few months off of fishing can feel like an eternity so getting ready for fishing season is an exciting time. Like any activity, a little planning and organization will go a long way to ensure you have a good time. To be sure you have a good trip, take time to assess where to go, what equipment and apparel to bring and if you need to rent anything once you get there.

Where to Go Fishing 

The first thing to figure out is where should you go fishing? If you don’t have a lot of time and need to get your fishing fix you might settle for a trip to your closest river, lake or reservoir. However, for the best experience that may not always be the right choice. If you want to stay in state and go to the best fishing hole, study the fishing reports and read fishing forums for the locations you want to visit. If you’re taking a trip to another state or going outside of the United States then hiring a fishing guide becomes essential to having a successful trip.

Fishing Equipment

Obviously you need to bring your fishing rod and reel, but take the time to check that everything is working properly. Make sure your line guides are secure and that the drag on your reel is set to your liking. Evaluate what else you will need for the upcoming fishing season. Dig into your tackle box and get it organized. If you are missing some of your favorite lures, head out to the store and stock up ahead of time. Also check to see if your fishing line is cracked or old and replace it if necessary. You don’t want your line breaking when you finally have a big fish hooked! 

Fishing Apparel 

The apparel you bring with you fishing depends on the type of fish you are going after and the time of year. For summer you need to bring a hat, shorts, sunscreen and a windbreaker. For spring and fall fishing, you need to bring warmer clothes and layer them. Bring thick socks, gloves and a GoreTex weatherproof jacket. If you’re fly fishing, you need waders and a fishing vest for easy access to your flies and accessories. For saltwater excursions, bring a quick dry shirt, non-slip shoes, wide brimmed hat, rain jacket, and polarized sunglasses.

What to Rent When Fishing

In addition to all of your fishing supplies, you might need to rent a boat at your fishing spot. Plan ahead and scout out rental places and if possible place a reservation. Also make sure someone in your group knows how to safely operate your boat rental. You don’t want to get stranded out on the lake trying to figure out your boat! 

Fishing with friends and family is one of the most enjoyable outdoor activities. Get ready for the upcoming fishing season so you can have a great fishing experience.

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