How to Manage a Long Day of Hunting in the Woods

Table of Contents

Best Items to Pack for an All-Day Hunting Experience 1

1. A Comfortable Tree Stand 1

2. Pack High-Protein Snacks 1

3. Entertainment Options 1

4. Dress in Layers 2

5. Field Dressing Equipment 2

Hunting can be a lot of fun. It can also give you an all-day case of the sits.

When you come armed with enough snacks and supplies to manage those circumstances, you won’t care if it takes five minutes or five hours to fill your quota.

In some parts of the world, hunting means you get up early, stay in the tree stand until lunch, and then meet up with all of your friends. You might grab a quick nap, spend another hour or two out there, and call it a day.

It takes a lot of your body to stay out in the woods all day, so grab this gear to be in your pack.

Best Items to Pack for an All-Day Hunting Experience

1. A Comfortable Tree Stand

You’ll find that the cheap tree stands tend to make your lower back sore after spending a couple of hours in them. If you don’t want something with tons of padding, try to get one that lets you stand up safely without climbing down from the tree.

2. Pack High-Protein Snacks

Many hunters pack jerky to stop the hunger cravings that happen when you spend an entire day in the woods. It doesn’t take long for that stuff to get old – and stuck unpleasantly in your teeth! Try packing some dried fruit, a few nuts, or some energy bars to have some variety.

3. Entertainment Options

The anticipation of seeing your target wears off after you sit in the woods for a few hours. It won’t take long before your brain says that boredom has arrived, and you need to do something to stay entertained. Although you don’t want to do an activity that restricts your view of the trails, something that does offer a distraction can help.

You might listen to an audiobook quietly, have some music in your earbuds, or stream a show on your phone. The volume needs to be low enough that you can hear rutting or rustling nearby.

4. Dress in Layers

Late autumn weather is unpredictable in most parts of the world. You might wake up to freezing temperatures, see afternoon highs get close to summer temps, and have it rain on you when returning home. The only way to manage these circumstances is to dress in layers.

When you select clothing for an all-day hunting excursion, choose items that won’t convey your scent. If the wind shifts and you’re suddenly detectable, you’ve spent all of that time out there with nothing to show for it in return.

5. Field Dressing Equipment

Field dressing a deer can take some time. You’ll need a few tools available to use at a moment’s notice. A sharp knife to cut your coring ring, a gut hook, some rope, and materials to remove the entrails appropriately shouldn’t get ignored. You’d be surprised how many people forget at least one of those items.

Some hunters like to wash out the body cavity after finishing their field dressing work. You’ll need to bring a clean supply for this work if that’s your preference. Once you reach this step, keep filling your tags to fill up your freezer for the year!

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